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The development trend of the global equipment manufacturing industry

2021-03-12 Due to the modern technological revolution, the emergence of high-tech and the extensive use of information network technology, the concepts and fields involved in the equipment manufacturing industry are gradually undergoing tremendous changes and integration. The technology research, development, production and sales of the equipment manufacturing industry are global The cooperation in chemical industry has been strengthened day by day, and the equipment manufacturing industry has shown a globalized development status.
1. The equipment manufacturing industry is moving towards clustering
Since the 1990s, the clustering trend of the global equipment manufacturing industry has continued to develop, that is, manufacturing companies of the same industry or related industries are organically gathered in a local (region), and through continuous innovation to gain a competitive advantage. In the industrial clustering, characteristic small and medium-sized enterprises play an important role. Geographically concentrated enterprises and related institutions (universities, chambers of commerce, etc.) both compete and cooperate in specific fields. There are 154 clusters in the UK, distributed in 18 regions, covering a wide range of sectors and technologies. The clusters in the north of the United Kingdom tend to manufacture industries such as automobiles and metal processing. The electronics industry group in Silicon Valley and Highway 128 in the United States, the medical equipment industry group in Minneapolis, the cutting tool industry group in Solingen in Germany, the machine tool industry group in Stuttgart, and the optical instrument group in Vergera are all in the world. The more typical industrial clusters in China.
2. The equipment manufacturing industry is moving towards informatization
At present, the equipment manufacturing industry is moving towards comprehensive informatization, and its new development trend is mainly manifested in the development, promotion and application of flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) and computer integrated manufacturing systems (DIMS), and the development of manufacturing intelligence. In this process, the industry's informationization, softwareization, and high value-added will be realized. From the perspective of technological development characteristics, it is manifested as the integration of technology; from the perspective of product development, it is manifested as the high-tech of products, that is, the high value-added, intelligent and systematic of products; from the perspective of system management, it is manifested as integration (Including system integration, software integration, technology integration and interface integration) and networking.
Network technology is accelerating the globalization of the manufacturing industry and is changing the production and circulation methods of the manufacturing industry, especially the equipment manufacturing industry. E-commerce and IT technology have fundamentally changed the production, consumption, and circulation methods of the equipment manufacturing industry, and caused tremendous changes in the trade field, accelerating the globalization process of the equipment manufacturing industry. As far as product manufacturing is concerned, manufacturing networking is developing rapidly. Network technology integrates design, production, sales and even service. Networked manufacturing runs through the start of orders, the organization of business activities, and product technology development, design, manufacturing and processing. The whole life cycle of products such as, sales, after-sales service; as far as the industry is concerned, the network is transforming the industrial structure and organizational structure of the equipment manufacturing industry. The trend of vertical integration in some industries is weakening, and it is replaced by contract subcontracting cooperation. .
Networked manufacturing, sales, purchasing, after-sales service, and contracting orders have become indispensable and important means and tools for enterprises. In the equipment manufacturing industry of industrialized developed countries, a number of professional companies operating the network market have emerged, engaged in network market operations in various fields such as machine tools, automobiles and parts, and electronic products. With the continuous advancement of global trade liberalization, electronic trade methods are widely used, such as electronic data interchange (EDI), electronic commerce (EC), electronic trade matching (ETM) and electronic funds transfer (ETF), etc., as well as the convergence of commodity standards Standardization of trade contracts and trade contracts both provide convenient conditions for trade and help break the barriers caused by information and channel monopoly.
3. The equipment manufacturing industry is showing a trend of globalization
Due to the modern technological revolution, especially the development of the information technology revolution, major changes have taken place in the world's manufacturing industry, which has led to the continuous strengthening of the globalization trend of the manufacturing industry. The globalization strategy has become the preferred strategy for guiding the multinational manufacturing companies to seize the world market. And develop in the direction of clustering, informatization and service

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